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All 38 Student Organization 25 Student Life 6 Department 7
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  • BEST

    Department - Academic

    Website Mission

    BEST has a total of 760 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Department of Civil Engineering

    Department - Academic

    Website Mission

    Department of Civil Engineering has a total of 400 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Department of Mechanical Engineering

    Department - Academic


    Department of Mechanical Engineering has a total of 210 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Lassonde Co-op & Internships

    Department - Community, Professional

    Website Mission

    Lassonde Co-op & Internships has a total of 1740 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Lassonde IT Test Group

    Department - Academic


    Contact: Andre Barreto

    Lassonde IT Test Group has a total of 260 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Lassonde School of Engineering - York University



    Lassonde School of Engineering - York University has a total of 14390 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Lassonde's Future: Strategic Academic Plan 2021-2026

    Department - Academic

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

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